Spidey gets Marc Webbbbbb

A Columbia Pictures e a Marvel finalmente confirmaram os rumores que Marc Webb seria o novo director para o próximo filme do spidey. Marc Webb realizou o ano passado o grande 500 days of summer (o qual aconselho a verem), por isso tenho algumas expectativas em relaçao ao rumo que o novo filme irá tomar. Os chefes da Columbia explicaram esta decisao dizendo muito:

"At its core, Spider-Man is a small, intimate human story about an everyday teenager that takes place in an epic super-human world. The key for us as we sought a new director was to identify filmmakers who could give sharp focus to Peter Parker's life. We wanted someone who could capture the awe of being in Peter's shoes so the audience could experience his sense of discovery while giving real heart to the emotion, anxiety, and recklessness of that age and coupling all of that with the adrenaline of Spider-Man's adventure. We believe Marc Webb is the perfect choice to bring us on that journey."

Pode ser que chame o Joseph Gordon-Levitt para fazer de Peter Parker o que seria muito bom imo.

"Tobey my ass"

Posted by Anónimo | à(s) 01:21

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